TROUBLED flat-tenants who pleaded for help in stopping vandalism and violence at a block of flats have been promised improvements.

Residents are desperate to move out of the Arrass House block of flats, off Hillson Drive, Fareham, because of harassment.

They feel unsafe and many are medically and socially vulnerable people who have been rehoused due to previous unsuitable homes or because they were homeless.

Councillor Peter Davis, of Fareham North ward, said: "Basically, Arrass House is a slum and we have been aware of that for a while now. The police have been aware for a long time of the issues affecting the tenants as well.

"The council listened to the problems and has decided to install an intercom system and closed-circuit television.

"The problems have persisted longer than they should have because there has never been any way of identifying the offenders and putting them before the courts, or tackling them over possibly breaking the terms of their tenancy agreement and evicting them.

"But cameras would catch anyone causing the tenants problems and have the dual purpose of monitoring a new door entry system which tenants can use to decide whom they want to let in.''

After the front door is secured and the cameras fitted, the council will reglaze and repair vandalised doors and windows.