Ropley villagers have taken the first steps to forming an association to save their shop and post office.

They fear Pondside Stores may fall victim to housing development.

Following a meeting in the village hall last week, a committee has put in place a plan which it hopes the whole village will back.

Its spokesman, David Hope-Mason, explained that Pondside Stores' owner, Eve Wood, was anxious to retire

"She provides the village with an excellent service and we have an excellent relationship with her," he said. "She lives in the village, wants the shop to continue and wants to sell Pondside."

The new association intends to have a membership fee of £5 per head which would enable everyone to have a single share.

When there are enough members and the association is in place there will be a public meeting in the village, probably at the beginning of February.

It is hoped that funds raised for the shop will be matched by cash from charitable trusts. "We hope to purchase a share in the shop and go into partnership with someone who wants to run it," Mr Hope-Mason said.

"Within a mile of Pondside Stores, there are 400-450 houses. The shop, whose books we have examined, is trading healthily. There is no doubt about it being a commercial concern.

"The problem is that it has been on the market for 10 months and although a number of people have looked at it seriously, there has not been enough interest to provide a buyer. So we will buy a share of the shop, in partnership with a new purchaser."