POETRY is alive and well in Eastleigh - according to the bard who has been in residence for the whole of the year 2000.

Moira Clark, a professional writer from Chandler's Ford, was appointed by the borough and has spent the millennium year getting out and about bringing poetry to the people.

She has worked with the young and old, completing a series of workshops with senior citizens besides visiting schools in the area. She has even given several open-air readings at the town's market.

But as she nears the end of her official 12 months in residence Moira reckons verse is very far from being dead.

She said: "I have very much enjoyed the year, it has been very exciting. I have learned a lot and have been struck by the enthusiasm for poetry of many people I have come across.

"I hope that poetry will continue in Eastleigh and go from strength to strength."

Moira has now finished and published a residency collection of poems entitled Keeping Time Steady, which is already selling well at the Arcade Bookshop in Chandler's Ford and at Eastleigh Museum. Copies, which cost £3, are also available from Eastleigh's dance and arts centre, The Point.

There are 12 poems in the collection on topics ranging from windmills and bats to clocks and ghosts.