Two Hampshire company directors have played their part in unusual ways in helping to raise money for the Children in Need Appeal.

Bob Fenton, managing director, and Nigel Tillyard, technical director, of ExPD Limited, an independent specialist supplier of bar coding systems, have both helped to raise much needed funds for the national appeal.

Bob decided to fine the men who attended the company's annual meeting if they were not sporting the right neck attire.

All had to cough up at the Meon Valley Marriott Hotel where ExPD celebrated another successful year which saw it expand into new offices in Petersfield. £125 was raised from the guests and ExPD matched this to bring the total amount to £250.

Nigel took a musical approach to fundraising. Outside work he plays keyboards and guitar in his band, Heart & Soul. While performing in Petersfield Square the band helped to raise thousands of pounds.

Mr Fenton said: "ExPD has had a very good year with sales and profits up and we were pleased to share this news with our customers and suppliers, as well as our staff, who have helped us to achieve this.

"We also wanted to pledge our support to a charity that will benefit young people and children in need."