Winchester'S very own giant took to the stage to take part in Europe's oldest play.

The 12ft Saint Nicholas was the centrepiece in a new version of the 800-year-old script The Play of Saint Nicholas, by French author Jehan Bodel.

His work has been translated by Hampshire writer Luath Grant Ferguson and was performed at the city's Great Hall.

Mr Grant Ferguson spent more than 25 years researching and producing the first English translation of the work.

Participants in the play included students from King Alfred's College, Winchester Art School and local actors, and it was sponsored by Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council and Southern Arts.

Mr Grant Ferguson said: "It is a strange feeling to put on a play from the time that the Great Hall was built. The giant was stunning and just dominated the hall."

Winchester was a fitting venue for the play, as it was the city's Bishop, Henry of Blois, who introduced the early Father Christmas to England. A font presented by Henry and carved to show the miracles of Saint Nicholas still stands in the Cathedral.