HOUSING bosses whose tenants were flooded out of their Chandler's Ford homes have refused to take action to deal with any future crisis.

Hyde Housing Association has told tenants on the Birdfield estate in Valley Park that it still has not set up any special measures to deal with flooding - despite recent downpours leaving them without a dry place to stay.

Mother-of-two Sharon Weeks saw her home and garden submerged by a swell from a ditch on nearby private land when storms first hit home last month.

Neighbour Helen Fryer was also forced out of her house to live in temporary accommodation with her two children and family dog.

Both residents said they had warned the housing association of the impending floods and were left angry by its slow reaction.

Sharon, 24, who shares her semi-detached home with her partner Ian, lodged an official complaint with the association over the way they handled the situation.

Now housing services manager Bob Keats has thrown out the complaint and told the pair that action to deal with future flooding has not been prepared.

In a letter to Sharon and Ian, Mr Keats said: "No procedure has been set down in the event of flooding again. The weather circumstances over the weekend of the flood were the worst for 50 years.

"We will review the procedure after the repairs are completed and we have some understanding of how the insurance companies deal with the subsequent administration.

"It is premature to review those procedures now.

"I have written to the local authority advising them of the flood and the owner of the land through which the brook flows knows of the risks.

"This is primarily the responsibility of the adjoining landowner, not Hyde Housing Association Ltd."

The lack of preparation as the floods continue to blight much of Hampshire has outraged Sharon, whose home is still in a state of disrepair.

She told the Echo: "My partner and I both think the letters from Hyde are not worth the paper they are written on.

"Not one letter says sorry and I think sorry from the start would have been something.

"I think Hyde are very incompetent and do not care about their tenants - only getting their rent each week.

"It makes me sad that they treat people like this.

"It sometimes makes you wonder why people don't make an effort."