Give your Christmas tree the personal touch by making your own tree decorations.

Jayne Stamp shows you how to create five simple designs with a traditional feel to them.

You will need:

Four small packs of FIMO modelling clay in red, dark green, black and white, £1.49 each, from Hobbycraft, West End.

2m of thin dark green ribbon, 50p, also from Hobbycraft.

Gold paint (optional)

A rolling pin

Some greaseproof paper

Small vegetable knife and a skewer

To make the:


Roll a piece of green clay and mark the outline of a tree with the pointed end of a skewer, then cut around the outline. Make a pot with a small piece of red clay and fix to the bottom of the tree. To make garlands roll a piece of clay into a long sausage shape, for baubles use small blobs of clay.


Roll out a piece of red clay into a square shape and then cut thin strips of white clay to create the ribbon.


Roll out two circles of white clay, one larger than the other, for the body and the head. Place the head on the body and make the hat with black clay, one square shape and one thin strip for the brim.

The eyes and buttons are made with tiny blobs of clay. To make the scarf, put together alternate blobs of green and red clay, and then roll them into a thin sausage shape. With the rolling pin, roll flat and the cut straight scarf shapes.


Make a ball shape with the clay and then roll flat. Make a dribbly icing shape from the white clay and place on top. You can use holly shapes and red blobs for berries to decorate it.


Cut a sock shape from a red piece of clay. Add the trim to the top of the stocking with a piece of white clay and decorate with holly and berries.

When you have made all your shapes, pierce a hole in the top of the decorations with the skewer. Place on a baking sheet lined with a piece of greaseproof paper and bake for 30 minutes at 130C or gas mark . When cool, apply a coat of clear gloss varnish, allow to dry and thread through pieces of dark green ribbon to hand them with.

* For more information on these decorations or any interior design query please e-mail Jayne using the link above.