Roger Mills took a couple of cracking carp from Manor Farm at Ower with Mirrors of 21lb 6oz, and 21lb 8oz. Both fell to float-fished baits in the margins.

Brian Tillman's Mopley Pond Carp Fishery saw High Wycombe anglers John Stembridge and Roy Partington shade 17 double-figure carp over 24 hours, including fish of 18lb 8oz, 18lb 4oz, 17lb 8oz, 16lb 4oz, 15lb 6oz and 15lb on Active 8 boilies from the monk gate and tall pines.

On Dark Lane, Tillman's other fishery at Blackfield, Nigel and Robert Cooper took 20 double-figure carp, including five between 17lb and 18lb from the dark bank on boilies.

The week's top bag from Longhouse went to Pete Toms who fished Wood Lake for 14 carp to 13lb 7oz in 24 hours on waggler and corn from peg 9.

Chris Monk from Basingstoke fished Round Pond to land eight crucians to 2lb 14oz, roach and rudd to 1lb 6oz and perch of 1lb 14oz, 2lb 6oz and 2lb 10oz.

Over at Longbridge Lakes, sport remains good despite the conditions. Neil Stores of Fareham fished peg 37 on the canal for 14 carp to 13lb 6oz, two tench to 4lb and six bream to 4lb 4oz on a mixture of waggler and feeder tactics.

Andy Horne of Basingstoke took an 80lb mixed bag of carp, tench, roach and skimmers from peg 5 on the pole, while Pete Mancey of Southampton fished peg 12 for 6 carp to 12lb 6oz, seven tench to 5lb 12 oz and two bream to 4lb 8oz.

With the onset of winter, pike fishing comes into its own as this sporting predator shrugs off the lazy summer months and goes into eating mode for the next four or five months leading up to spawning.

Here's a guide of some of the top venues with contact numbers for readers seeking action this winter:

Broadlands Lake, Romsey, contact 02380 869881. A 26-acre gravel pit regularly topped up with fish from local river systems.

Waldens Farm, Salisbury, contact 01722 710480. Bishops Lake holds fish to upper doubles, with the fish around the 15lb mark landed most weeks.

New Forest Water Park, Ringwood, contact 01425 656868. Two large gravel pits that are lightly fished for pike, but fish to 20lb are present in both.

Somerleys Meadow Lake, contact 01425 475155. Better known as a carp fishery, it has been throwing up numerous pike to 20lb plus.

Royalty Fishery, Hampshire Avon, contact 01202 485169. Regularly throws up high 20st and the odd 30. Bypass Slack, Clockhouse, House Pool and Parlour are among the best spots.

Hampshire Avon, Ringwood, contact 01425 475155. Lots of day ticket water to have a go at here with plenty of doubles and some nice 20s from both the main river and side streams.

Fordingbridge Park, contact 01425 461038. Another venue that regularly throws up some quality fish with the island, slack, slipway and entrance to the stream likely hot spots.

Dorset Stour, Throop, contact 01202 427305. Plenty of pike to 20lb plus from both the vast network of side streams and main river here, as well as the traditional hot spot of the Mill Pool. Lots of water and plenty of room to roam about and try numerous swims.