AS A BABY, Stuart King was just a few heartbeats from death when emergency surgery saved him.

Now as a strapping 12-year-old, Stuart is helping Wessex Heartbeat save other ailing babies.

He took part in a gruelling triathlon to raise 350 pounds for the Wessex Cardiac Unit in Southampton - the unit that corrected his hole-in-the-heart condition.

And Stuart has presented the cheque to Wessex Heartbeat's fundraising manager, Peter Wickham, at Totton Recreation Centre - scene of his athletic triumph this summer.

Stuart, who goes to Testwood School and lives in Calmore Road, Totton, joined more than 200 adults on the Totton Triathlon on August 20.

He swam 18 lengths, biked 4.5 miles then ran 1,000 metres - all in just 37 minutes.

His time was better than most adults could achieve, but it was no surprise to his biggest fan - his mum Sandra.

"I have long ceased to be amazed at anything Stuart does," she said.

"We knew we could not wrap him up in cotton wool, that his best chance for life was to be as fit as possible. But luckily Stuart is naturally sporty.

"He plays football for Totton Hotspurs, he swims with Romsey and Totton Swimming Club, and he enjoys playing squash."

But Sandra said she is just as proud of his drive to fundraise.

"I have helped lots of good causes for ten years, so he has been brought up with it. But I am glad he wants to do something to help," she said.

Wessex Heartbeat's Peter Wickham also praised Stuart's efforts.

"This is a tremendous feat for any 12- year-old, but for someone with a history of serious heart problems it is particularly special," he said.

"The money will help us transform the centre which is one of only nine in the country and is truly pioneering."