CHAMPAGNE corks popped and bubbly flowed to celebrate the return of the Hampshire policeman held captive in Serbia on trumped-up spying charges.

Detective Sergeant Adrian Prangnell admitted it was wonderful to be a free man after eight weeks behind bars.

Det Sgt Prangnell, 41, from Soberton, near Fareham, fellow British policeman John Yore, from Cambridgeshire and two Canadians were arrested on suspicion of terrorism on August 1.

He had been in Kosovo working with the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe helping to train its new police force.

Det Sgt Prangnell said: "We were subject to beatings.

"It's a side of things I want to forget for a little while.

"For the first day or so we were in very real danger.

"The soldiers who detained us were unprofessional, a rabble, there was no discipline.

"The cell door was left open and they would come in a give us a punch.

"It was a big macho game."

The speed of the release was more shocking than the initial capture. "At midday John and I were walking around the exercise yard in the military prison in Belgrade expecting to be there for some considerable time.

"Within half an hour we were walking out of the prison as free men, it is a feeling that I have never felt in my life. It was unbelievable. The whole thing was unbelievable.

"It's a wonderful feeling to be free again.

"I'm tired but very happy."

Sometimes fighting back tears and holding his partner Wendy Priston's hand, he spoke at a press conference yesterday at Hampshire police's headquarters at Netley.

"The support of our families through all of this has been wonderful. To get letters regularly from the families telling us what was happening helped us tremendously."

And in Soberton neighbours were looking forward to seeing him back after his long ordeal.

Caroline Rogers, of Station Road, said: "I'm so happy he's coming home. Everyone is really pleased and releieved at his release."

It is thought that Adrian and Wendy now plan to take a short break in Cornwall to start the recovery from the long ordeal Adrian suffered.