ANDOVER company Alphameric Retail is reporting unprecedented interest in CounterPoint, its new electronic point of sale equipment.

Described as fashionable, functional and funky, the equipment can be integrated with almost any computer- based point of sale system. It has attracted a great deal of interest from shops and stores keen to project a strong corporate image.

Paul Merritt, who conceived and developed the system, believes that point-of-sale units needn't be dull and that it is a major step forward in retail technology.

He said: "There's no reason why leading edge technology should be housed in dreary grey boxes. CounterPoint is available in virtually any colour or finish to complement a retailer's corporate brand or interior design. It looks sensational and is also practical, comfortable and simple to use.

"We've obviously hit on a gap in the market because we've been inundated with enquiries since its launch. We're delighted."

More information can be had from Mr Merritt on 01264 332252 or