A CONMAN posing as the Bishop of South-ampton's secretary is targeting Hampshire residents in a bid to dupe them out of cash.

Police and Church leaders have denounced the scam as "despicable" and are urging people to beware.

It follows a phone call received by a congregation member of Above Bar Church in Southampton from a man claiming to be the bishop's secretary.

The trickster said he was raising cash for repairs to the roof of the city's mother church, St Mary's.

When the householder offered a sum, she was told it was not enough.

She hung up and reported the mysterious call to the minister who contacted the bishop's personal assistant, Lyn Walker.

The bishop's office said in a statement that Miss Walker had made no phone calls asking for money.

It said: "Please can readers be aware that if they receive such telephone calls it is a scam and to replace their receivers and then phone 1471 to obtain a phone number."

"The police have been informed of this incident and would welcome any further information."

The bishop, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill, was unavailable for comment.

But St Mary's Church vicar Angus Aagaard said: "What this conman is doing is totally wrong and threatening and he needs to be caught.

"It will give people far less confidence if they genuinely want to give a donation to a church.

"I hope nobody responds to this despicable request for cash because no money or details should be given over the phone.

"Any donations can be taken directly to local churches."

A Hampshire Police spokesman confirmed a complaint had been received about the alleged con from the bishop's office.

He said: "Our advice to people is to beware of committing yourself to giving money to unknown persons purporting to be charities over the phone."

Ring police on 0845 0 45 45 45 if you have received a similar telephone call.