HEALTH minister John Denham has launched a new scheme this week to help smokers in Hampshire give up the dreaded weed.

The NHS support group Quitters provides free support, in the form of individual and group sessions, to help smokers quit.

It has been formed as part of the government's drive to reduce the number of tobacco-related deaths each year, and clinics have already been set up across the county.

The official launch took place at the Quays swimming and diving complex.

At the launch Mr Denham, MP for Southampton Itchen, said: "It's important that we target the causes of ill health and have services like this. The number of smoking-related deaths every year is equivalent to the entire adult population of Southampton.

"If that happened in front of people's eyes then people would be appalled.

"I am delighted to be able to launch this and the government will be continuing its attempts to ban tobacco advertising."

There are around 13 million smokers in the UK, with 120,000 related deaths each year.

A recent survey revealed that 27.3 per cent of residents in Southampton and south west Hampshire smoked, nearly one per cent below the national average.

The Quitters service offers innovative initiatives to help people give up the weed, including intensive counselling.

Rachel Nicholson, specialist smoking cessation service co-ordinator, said: "This is an important venture for the local area.

"Our cessation advisors will be providing intensive support to those who want to give up smoking."

She added: "We hope to make a huge difference to as many lives as possible in the area."

The group will also be launching training programmes for health workers so they too are qualified to help smokers.

For more details on Quitters' clinics around Hampshire telephone 023 8051 5221.

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