A HEAVILY-pregnant woman was escorted from her local bank by police after launching a direct protest.

The 37-weeks pregnant woman refused to leave the Lloyds-TSB branch in Burgess Road, Swaythling, for two hours after it closed for the day, demanding that staff and the manager sorted out problems she was having with her account before she has her baby.

Megan Miranda, 30, claims the service she received from the branch was so poor that her action was the only way to get anything done.

Megan, of Tremona Road, Shirley, is due to give birth to her second child on October 25, and claims that over the past few months she has had great difficulty in using her cash card and unsuccessfully ordered a new cheque book six times.

The former lecturer at Southampton University said that the protest was a last resort but that it had achieved something.

She said: "I am fed up with being fobbed off by them. They have not been able to resolve anything today but they have taken on board the complaints I have made. The regional manager has promised he will ring me to discuss it.

"There are only so many letters that you can write or phone calls that you can make.

"I know it seems an extreme thing to do but by saying to them 'You are dealing with this now' I got them to take it seriously.

"It is a radical thing to do but I just got to the poi-nt where I had to do it."

Lloyds-TSB declined to comment.

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