Today's principal Southampton arrivals: Union Robin, general, 0230, 102/3; Charles Darwin, oceanographic, 0330, 27; Morning Sun, ro-ro, 0500, 43; Autoline, vehicle carrier, 0630, 105; Hual Trekker, vehicle carrier, 0630, 40/41; Tyne, container, 0730, 207; Kish, general, 1000, 47; Autoracer, vehicle carrier, AM, 201/2; Bunga Pelnagi Dua, container, 1300, 206; Yeoman Bank, bulk, 1300, 108/9.

Today's principal Southampton sailings: Hyundai Highness, container, 0300, 207; NYK Andromeda, container, 0900, 205; Hual Trekker, vehicle carrier, 1200,40/41; Morning Sun, ro-ro, 1400, 43; Heidelberg Express, container, 1500, 204; Autoline, vehicle carrier, 1700, 105; Explorer of the Seas, cruise ship, 38/9, 1900; Autoracer, ro-ro, PM, 201/2; Saint Roch, ro-ro, TBA, 46.

Tomorrow's principal Southampton arrivals: Sundream, cruise ship, 0645, 38/9; Arcadia, cruise ship, 0700, 106; P&O Nedlloyd Rotterdam, container, 0700, 207; Ketty Brovig, container, 1000, 205W; OOCL Harmony, container, 1800, 205; Aalsmeergracht, general, 1900, 102; Goodwood, vehicle carrier, PM, 201; Aisa, ro-ro, TBA, 202.

Tomorrow's principal Southampton sailings: Tyne, container, 0300, 207; Bunga lengai Dua, container, 0800, 206; Ketty Brovig, container, 1600, 205W; Arcadia, cruise ship, 1800, 106; Sundream, cruise ship, 1800, 38/9; Goodwood, vehicle carrier, PM, 201.

Today's Esso Fawley and BP movements: Arrivals: Barmouth, AM, Esso; Jaynee W, AM, esso; Deltagas, PM, Esso; Minerva Julie, PM, Esso. Sailings: Alsterstern, AM, Esso 2; ben nevis, AM, Esso 1; Anna Johanne, AM, Esso 6; United Nadja, AM, Esso 4; Merwegas, PM, Esso 8; Happy Girl, PM, Esso 9; Pointe Du Castel, PM, Esso 3; Histria Prestige, TBA, Esso 5; Irene Wonsild, TBA, Esso.

Positions of ships at noon today

Eastern Docks

27 Charles Darwin

38/9 Explorer of the Seas

42 Calshot

43 Morning Sun

47 Kish

Western Docks

102/3 Union Robin

105 Autoline

Container Port

201/2 Autoracer

207 Tyne 208

Converted for the new archive on 25 January 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.