PETER MURNAGHAN, transport policy team leader with Hampshire County Council, has been elected chairman of the southern section of the Chartered Institute of Transport.

He has many years' experience in the transport, having started working in the railway industry before moving into local government 25 years ago.

"This is a time of great debate for transport as much of our present growth in transport is unsustainable in the long term,'' he said.

"The institute has a proud record of having advised government on transport issues for many years, without being tied to one particular mode. Our members represent shipping and aviation interests as well as road and rail, passenger and freight.

"This year promises to be significant for the foremost professional institute of the transport industry in the UK."

In June, the institute will merge with the powerful Institute of Logistics which represents managers involved in distribution and supply. The merger will double the number of members in Hampshire and Dorset to nearly 1,000.

"We have much in common with our new colleagues and the merger will help us to represent and inform all who are involved in the business of moving passengers and freight.''

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