JUMBLE sale: Advance notice that the next jumble sale to be held at East Oakley will be on Saturday, April 22.

It will be in aid of Oakley and Deane WI and includes a plant stall.

OAKLEY Village Show: Will be held on Saturday, August 5, and will be at the junior school.

There will be all the usual categories as well as some new ones.

If you would like to book a table to sell or demonstrate, or both, contact Sally on 780886 or Margaret on 781541.

Programmes for the show are available from Redwoods in the village.

Donations of any good quality books for the book stall will also be much appreciated and collection may be possible. Call Sally or Margaret.

FASHION show: Tickets are still available for the Friends of Oakley Infant School Fashion Show on Friday, April 21, at Oakley Infant School.

The show starts at 7.30pm and tickets, which cost £3, include a complimentary drink.

For tickets, please contact Lisa-Marie Bridger on 780312 (day) or Niki Roberts 787427 (evening).

NEWS: Please call me with any items for this column.