BROOKVALE/BCOT Liaison Committee: Meets every quarter year and discusses any issues which have or may come up concerning interaction between BCOT and Brookvale residents.

I attend most of these meetings, along with selected members of Brookvale Community Association and usually one of our councillors.

Recently discussed was the success of the motorcycle training which takes place on Saturday mornings in the car park of the South Site.

These young students all appear to be responsible and considerate of the neighbourhood.

During the summer, further repairs to the South Site will be carried out, though these should not affect nearby residents.

The North Site will also need extensive repair within the next few years.

If you have any concerns with regard to BCOT activities, contact me on the above number. I will be happy to forward your comments to the committee.

WORTING Road Traffic: The speed of traffic along this road is a cause for concern. Exiting from side roads onto Worting Road is also becoming more difficult and hazardous.

If you have an opinion on this situation and would like to see traffic calming in place, visit BCOT's reception, where you will be able to sign a petition.