ATHERLEY kicked off their centenary year in unconventional but enterprising style with a two-week tour to California, led by president elect Roger Stonham.

Stonham is pictured, kneeling in blazer, with his sun-drenched colleagues in Uncle Samland.

The club's 43-strong party, including 32 bowlers, was based at Anaheim, Los Angeles, and they received the finest of American hospitality from the six clubs they visited.

Stonham, who became president on his return to England at the club's annual meeting, said: "The welcome we received at every club was fantastic and they looked after us very well. In all but one we played a 12-end game of triples, club against club, in the morning winning all but one of them followed by a 12-end free drawn triples in the afternoon."

The tourists raised £225 for Naomi House, Stonham's charity in his presidential year, during the trip.