GUARDIANS of the New Forest have threatened to slam the brakes on the latest proposal for a Lyndhurst bypass.

The Verderers, whose job is to protect the Forest's unique landscape, have warned drivers that the scheme could be vetoed on environmental grounds.

At the monthly Court of Verderers in Lyndhurst, Official Verderer Oliver Crosthwaite Eyre said that previous plans for a bypass had been rejected because any new road would have to be built across heavily protected Crown land.

He added: "To comply with our policies new roads must further our primary objective, which is to conserve the traditional landscape of the Forest.

"It is important to remind supporters of the bypass route that those whose function is to protect the Forest's special qualities must be completely satisfied that a bypass will do no avoidable harm.

"Once land disappears under Tarmac it disappears for good.

"We would have to be very careful when asked to consider sacrificing even the smallest area of the nation's newest National Park."

The bypass proposal has been submitted by Lyndhurst Parish Council, which is calling for a two-mile road linking two sections of the A337. Southbound traffic would leave the A337 north of Lyndhurst, skirt the eastern edge of the village and rejoin the road near Goose Green.

Part of the bypass would be buried in a 400-metre tunnel to prevent Lyndhurst being "cut off" from the rest of the Forest.

Parish councillor John Charlesworth said that the proposed new road would take only 0.2 per cent of the National Park.

He added: "At a recent transport seminar, most of the people from other interested groups were very supportive of what we're trying to do."

A county council spokesman confirmed that the scheme would need the Verderers' consent.