Sir.-I am a mother of a four-month-old boy who was diagnosed with having severe acid reflux at seven weeks old.

It has been a very difficult and stressful time for the whole family.

The situation isn't helped by the lack of support by some of the doctors and their attitude to acid reflux, as they don't seem to understand it.

I am lucky to have a very supportive partner and family and a great health visitor (Sandy Pound), but they aren't here for the really difficult daytimes when my son constantly screams in pain.

I was hoping to find a support group, as I thought it may help with getting advice and speaking to other parents going through the same thing as me, but I have been unable to find one.

People tell me that acid reflux is common in babies, so there must be other parents pulling their hair out like me.

If anyone knows of a group, or feels there is a need for one, please contact me on my e-mail address -

-Name and address supplied.