SATURDAY Fun Club: The next Children's Fun Club takes place at the community centre on Saturday, May 6, from 10am until noon.

The club is for children of primary school age and gives children the chance to enjoy a morning of fun and crafts and make new friends in the process.

Places must be booked in advance and cost £4.50 for members, £5.50 for non-members.

Please contact the community office, on 811262, for further details.

NEW bus shelters: Hatch Warren and Beggarwood councillor Dan Putty reports that the council is putting together the final plans for bus stop improvements in Danebury Road and Beggarwood Lane.

A new shelter is planned in Danebury near Sherwood Close and a whole series of improvements and new shelters for the length of Beggarwood Lane.

Funding still has to be found for the changes but once agreed, residents close to the sites will be consulted prior to any installations.

The council is also looking at the traffic-calming narrow point in Beggarwood Lane just in from the A30 lights, as this has produced safety issues and might need to be altered.