AT AGE Concern we recognise the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and active mind as we get older. Are you making the most of your retirement? Do you have opportunities to exercise your body and your brain? If not, perhaps we can help.

Evergreen Exercise - Classes run in Winklebury and Oakridge and are tailored to meet your needs and take account of any restrictions.

Yoga - We have a qualified and experienced teacher who will ensure you work at your own pace. Classes on Thursdays and Fridays in town.

Tea & Company - A new venture at the cafe especially for lone visitors who appreciate friendly conversation. Join our volunteer at the special table. You might well make some new friends. Cafe open every Wednesday, 10.30am to 1pm, in Church Cottage. Everyone welcome.

Exercise your brain - Your chance to try a laptop computer at the cafe on Wednesday, May 10. No prior knowledge necessary - go on, give it a go! Volunteers will be on hand to help with various activities, such as making greetings cards and researching your family tree.

If you are searching for a particular leisure time activity, perhaps our information and advice service can help. We can also offer a Staying Healthy in Later Life factsheet, Leisure & Learning factsheet and Eat Well, Age Well leaflet.

Please call us on 01256 423874 for information on any of our services.

Tracey Peacock, information and advice manager, Age Concern Hampshire in Basingstoke

First published: April 26, 2006