A SOUTHAMPTON pre-school at the centre of a safety inspection by government investigators has been given the all-clear.

Ofsted inspectors have ruled that Manor Road Pre-School will be allowed to carry on as normal after being satisfied it is safe.

The school in Woolston was investigated after a mother complained to the education watchdog that her son was allowed to leave the premises unnoticed, just ten weeks after a similar incident involving another toddler, who walked all the way home.


However a team of Ofsted inspectors are satisfied the charity-run organisation complies with safety requirements.

A spokesman said: "We are happy Manor Road Pre-School meets the compliance requirements and we are satisfied it can remain open for business.

"We cannot go into specific details but in common with all providers, Ofsted will continue to monitor compliance with the national standards."

Kay Douglas, 25, made the complaint after her three-year-old son Cameron left the classroom last Wednesday and was found crying by the side of the road.

She said: "I went to pick my son up as normal and I saw two or three other mothers as well.

"I stood outside the classroom while Shirley Goble (the pre-school supervisor) was calling out the children's names.

"I heard my son's name being called but I couldn't get into the classroom because there were other mothers coming out with pushchairs.

"When I finally got to the entrance I joked with Shirley saying 'is Cameron having so much fun that he doesn't want to come home? Where is he?'

"She had another little boy on her hip, looked at the back of the classroom and told me he wasn't there. She said he was here a moment ago but she couldn't see him now and asked if I saw him in the hall.

"I panicked and started screaming 'where's my son'. I eventually found him crying by the side of the road, looking up and down."

Mrs Goble is pleased the pre-school is being allowed to continue as normal.

She said: "Most parents told Ofsted that they are happy with the procedures we have in place.


"I want to thank the parents for their support. We are looking forward to the future."

Inspectors visited the pre-school earlier this week, just ten weeks after two-year-old Kate Steele left the pre-school unnoticed.

In February Kate walked along and then crossed a busy road, continued along two alleyways and then managed to find her back garden, more than half-a-mile away.

The pre-school has put a stairgate on the main door to be supervised by Mrs Goble, who will call the parents to the gate one at a time when collecting their children.