Sir.-I feel I must respond to the letter from Dave John, a dancer with the Hook Eagles Morris Dancers.

In my Community News article about the early morning noise on May 1, there was no element of criticism, it was just to let our villagers know the occasion took place. The shouting and loud music awoke many residents who were unaware of what was happening at The Crown that morning.

However, there were some concerns. The dancing took place in the road at perhaps the most dangerous junction in the village, in the half-light of a drizzly dawn.

It is my understanding that the local authorities were not aware of the function. Pc Andy Steel may have been made aware but he left the village two months ago

I also understand it was advertised in The Gazette/ Basingstoke Extra several weeks earlier, but not all residents get the paper.

But my main concern was in respect of a very elderly lady who was asleep in her bungalow not more than 20 feet from the shouting and banging of sticks. She was aroused from a deep sleep in a complete panic. She is so frail that she has a panic button, to which my wife and I respond.

Mr Price, I take note that we are to have a demonstration next Boxing Day. Please tell the local authorities, tell the Basinga and tell me. I can then tell the villagers and we will all be happy to help you in your endeavours to bring a tradition to our village which will be well received.

We need to keep these traditions alive - but, in doing so, don't jeopardise your own safety, that of our villagers, the wellbeing of the community and above all that of the frail and elderly.

-Cyril Mullett, Bexmoor Way, Old Basing.