Sir.-On Sunday, May 14, my partner and I attended the Basingstoke Festival of Transport at the War Memorial Park.

Despite the weather being overcast, the threatened rain held off and we enjoyed a splendid day out, with me showing my age to my grandchildren by walking along the lines of cars on display, saying to them, "I had one of those, and one of those, and my dad used to have one of those".

Many thanks to all of the organisers and participants for their dedication and obvious hard work in presenting such a fine display.

The only downside we found was the exorbitant prices being charged by the various food and ice-cream vendors. I am sure that I am not alone in my shock at being charged £1.80 for a small bottle of cola and £2 for a small portion of chips.

I am sure that many young families found it a struggle to pay for their little-ones' cold drinks and snacks - a pity considering the whole event is put on for free.

Perhaps for future events, the organisers could ask any catering firms attending to cap their prices at a slightly more sensible level if they wish to have a pitch.

-Barry Hodge, Attwood Close, Basingstoke.