SILCHESTER Players: The first performance of Time and the Conways was on May 19, at 7.30pm, with other performances on May 25 and 26.

There are still a few tickets left. Call 0118 9815600.

FUN run: 225 runners of all ages took part.

WINCHESTER Cathedral Choir: Led Evensong in the parish church on Saturday.

It was a delight to hear such beautiful voices.

FETE: Plans are well ahead for the fete on June 10, on the common.

There will be all the usual stalls plus a dancing display, Punch and Judy and lots of games. A barbecue and cream teas will be available all afternoon.

There is also a dog show with entries on the day (non-pedigree classes).

Entry is free, and all money raised will go to the parish church.

ANNUAL parish council meeting: On Monday, May 22, at 8pm, in the club room, you can come along and hear what has been done in the village on behalf of all of us by our councillors.

SILCHESTER Association: There will be a talk given by Professor Michael Fulford on Tuesday, May 23, at 8pm, in the club room at the village hall, on what was found at the dig last year.