ANNUAL parish meeting: This took place on Tuesday, May 9, and was attended by 13 councillors and 20 members of the public.

Reports were received from the village green committee, Sherfield Village Hall, county and borough councillors and from the two village charities.

EVERGREENS: Had a 60th birthday party last week in the village hall.

Jean Wright said: "We had a cake and a good time. It all went off fine."

The Evergreens was started in 1946 by Dorothy Sims and used to meet in the Bretheren Chapel - now a private home - but moved to the village hall when the numbers grew.

PERCY'S plant sale: Was successful last Saturday at Orchard Lea, and £676 was raised for the roof fund at St Leonard's Church.

PLAYERS: Loddon Players will be meeting on Monday, May 22, for an informal play reading in preparation for an autumn production. If you would like to become involved - on or off stage - go along to Breach Lane Chapel at 7.45pm.