HI-FASHION: The Busy Bees are having a fashion show and clothes sale at Kingsclere school from 7.30pm on Thursday, May 25.

PINK Panther: The Peter Sellers classic is the next film at the Kingsclere Film Club in the Village Club at 7.30pm on Saturday, June 3.

OUTING: The gardening club outing to Longstock Water Garden will be on Thursday, June 8.

If you have never been there, it is well worth the visit as this will be a private tour led by the gardener.

Using its own cars, the group will be leaving the village at 10.30am.

Sylvia Pennington, available on 298880, will arrange car sharing.

PHOTO club: Meets at the Village Club at 7.45pm on Wednesday, June 7.

Hope for good weather as the evening will be a tour of the village following up the last session on macro photography.

HOSPICE: Josie Norton will be having her annual coffee morning in aid of St Michael's Hospice at the Village Club on June 10.

She would welcome items for the tombola and cake stalls. Call her on 298059.