HOOK Players: Are having a taster evening on Thursday, May 25, starting at 8pm, at Elizabeth Hall.

Discover, over drinks and nibbles, how they get from page to stage and have a go yourself. Just drop in on, or call 762817.

HOOK Scout Group: Is enjoying success from more children joining and also from the prospect that, from September 1, both boys and girls will be able to join.

The group is in urgent need of leaders for the Beaver Scouts (Mondays, from 5.30pm until 6.30pm) and Scouts (Tuesdays, from 7.30pm until 9.15pm).

If you can help, contact Paul on 469236 or e-mail him at phedges@supanet.com

FINALLY: This will be my last Community News column - thanks for all the support over the years from those of you who regularly send me information about what's going on in the village.

If you would like to step into these worn-out shoes, call the newsdesk on 337444.