PARTY time: Hatch Warren WI is holding a big party on Thursday, June 1, at the community centre.

President Sandra Christie reports that new WIs have been starting up around the country with new ideas.

Hatch Warren is a young WI, and non-members are especially welcome to go along to the party and see that this WI does not fit the old-fashioned idea of jam and Jerusalem.

There will be entertainment and food with the theme of Blue Hawaii, and surprises are promised.

It will run from 8pm to 10pm, and organisers are hoping for a huge response from the female population of Hatch Warren and Beggarwood.

Tickets are £5 for a great evening out. For further details, contact Sandra on 01256 469224.

BRIGHTON Hill Community College: At a meeting at the school last week, parents voiced concern about changes in tutor groups from September.

The plan is for tutor groups no longer to be based on year groups, but to contain students from every year.