RECORD breakers: More than 85 people enjoyed a barn dance at Home Farm Barn, Farleigh, last Saturday, raising more than £1,000 for Cliddesden School.

WOW: The garden fair, also held at Home Farm Barn last week, was another success.

Thanks largely to the fantastic weather, and lots of hard work, nearly 600 people attended, raising £10,000 for Wellbeing of Women - the charitable arm of The Royal College of Gynaecologists.

LAST call: If you would like to join the Ladies Club's visit to Buckingham Palace on Saturday, September 23.

The plan is to visit the State Rooms and the Royal Mews.

The cost is £18.45 (£16.20 for over-60s). Travel arrangements are to be confirmed.

If you would like to go, call Doreen on 381652, or Barbara on 475131. Confirmation and money is required by tomorrow at the latest.

WINE walk: Make sure you have June 2 in your diary,

See village noticeboards for more details.

ADVANCE notice: Ellisfield Fun Day is on Sunday, September 3, to raise money for St Martin's Church.

The event includes a barbecue, stalls and displays, a fun dog show, the beagles, fishing demonstrations, farm animals and machinery, children's games and team events, a brass band, tea and raspberries and more.

Nicki Palmer said things are happening in the rectory garden, churchyard, village hall and the field beside the rectory.

There will be a box at the back of St Martin's on Sundays for donations.