COMPUTING for Beginners: A 10-week course of Computing for Beginners started on May 8, but you can still join and catch up.

It is held in Bramley British Legion in The Street, Bramley, from 9am to 11.30am every Monday. All are welcome.

If you are interested, call Katherine, on 473698, so that the tutor knows how many will be at the class.

The cost is £30 and covers the cost of registration.

CANCER Research UK: A house-to-house collection for the charity was held in Bramley from April 9 for two weeks, and the total collection from the village was £949.64, which was up on last year.

Our organiser, Denny Grehan, thanks all who generously donated and the volunteers who gave their time to call on households.

If you would like to help next year, call Denny on 881340.