THERE was no liquor is sight when four athletic men from Winchester took part in the first Drambuie Pursuit in the Scottish Highlands.

Paul Hargreaves, 33, Graham Backhurst, 35, Simon Jenkins, 33 and Tim Philpot, 35, pictured left, entered the competition as The Rusty Nails, after reading about it in a magazine.

They travelled to the Isle of Skye where they raced the other teams across to Inverness, through a gruelling combination of rock climbing, absaeling, whitewater rafting, downhill mountain biking and buggy racing, before kayaking into Inverness to take sixth place.

Paul Hargreaves said: "To compete against nine other teams in such a beautiful part of the world was a once in a lifetime experience and we feel lucky for having even been chosen."

The event, which was filmed as part of an adrenalin TV series to be aired in July, was inspired by the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie in his battles against the English invaders. In 1745 the Scottish monarch rewarded the loyalty of clansmen by passing on the secret recipe for Drambuie.