A BRIGHT and bubbly teenager will be remembered by her family and friends at a festival organised in her memory.

Fifteen-year-old Alex Van Rensburg died suddenly last month after a short illness.

Now her brother Ben, 21, of Station Road, Whitchurch, has arranged a music event to raise funds for Icknield School in Andover, which she attended.

The festival will be held at the Kings Arms, in Church Street, Whitchurch, on May 27 from 3pm. As well as music from the live bands, there will be a barbecue, a selection of special drinks and a late-night disco.

Alex was born with Noonan syndrome, a genetic condition that can affect an individual's heart, growth, mental and physical development. However, it was unrelated to the illness she died from on April 14 at Southampton General Hospital, which caused the failure of her main organs.

She attended Saxon Wood School in Basingstoke until the age of 11 and then became a pupil at Icknield School.

Her proud family said that she never let her condition stand in her way.

Alex's mother, Judy, said: "She was a happy, lovely, beautiful girl.

"She was so caring and loved everyone, especially other children, babies and animals, and they loved her too."

Her father, Nick, said: "She was always smiling and so many people took to her.

"We just could not believe it when she became ill. It all happened so quickly and there was nothing anyone could do."

More than 300 people attended Alex's funeral at All Hallows Church, Whitchurch, and donations were collected for the Birth Defects Foundation Newlife, which is the UK's leading charity for helping families of children with inborn conditions.

Ben chose to organise the festival to support Icknield School, as his sister loved going there.

He said: "I wanted to be able to do something to help other disadvantaged children. I've had a lot of support from my friends and other people in the village."

Ben will be performing at the festival as an MC with his hip hop band One Icon. Polyrocket, another local band, will also take to the stage along with several other performers.

Stephen Steer-Smith, headteacher of Icknield School, said: "Alex loved school, but music and drama were her forte.

"Alex had a big personality and was always full of life."

Anyone who cannot attend the event but wishes to make a donation can contact Icknield School on 01264 365297.