KIND-HEARTED shoppers at a Southampton store have donated 20 trolley loads of pet food to the RSPCA.

Sainsbury's in Shirley agreed that the Stubbington Ark animal shelter could have a trolley in the store and ask people to donate items in the run- up to Christmas. The collection was due to end on January 1, but is still going strong. Already shoppers have donated food estimated to be worth about £1,500 for needy animals.

Receiving the latest load, Vanessa Eden, fundraising manager for the Stubbington Ark said: "The response from Shirley shoppers has been absolutely fantastic.

"It costs the shelter £2,000 per day to feed all the animals we have on site, so pet food donation is high on our wish list. Shirley Sainsbury's customers are definitely top of the shops."

Store manager, Simon Rowberry, said the scheme had proved to be an incredible success.