LIFE for a touring professional is not all Lear jets and Ferraris - just ask Hamptworth's James Huffam.

Having turned pro last year off a handicap of plus one, the 24-year-old, left, is being held back by a lack of sponsorship despite having full playing rights for this season's Europro Tour alongside fellow Hampshire players Andrew Cloke, David Porter and Rob Edwards.

Huffam explained: "I played six events last season and made one cut. It was nice to compete against guys of a good pedigree - I didn't feel out of place.

"However, I feel I was at a disadvantage as I sponsored myself which meant working a lot while I was trying to play.

"My parents run a corporate promotional company so I'd work for a few weeks then play for one - it's not ideal.

"I'd arrive at a tournament and find that cost of a yardage chart was £15 and would end up asking myself if I really needed one.

"I obviously did as they give all the distances to the green and hazards etc, but, when money's tight, you end up thinking this way.

"The other main drawback is every day I spend working is another day my rivals are practising."

Undeterred by the costs - which work out at about £450 to compete in one of the British events, the Wellow golfer is determined to succeed, reasoning: "Most top amateurs are virtually full-time golfers facing expenses - excluding entry fees - not dissimilar to mine. I turned pro because I couldn't see the point in shelling out for hotels and equipment when I couldn't win anything substantial back.

"I have a BA and MBA in business that I gained from Campbell University during my time in America, but have no intention of falling back on my qualifications just yet.

"2005 was 50/50 between work and golf but for this period of my life it's going to be 100 per cent golf once my season gets started. I'm giving this my all. "

Of this there can be no doubt, with Huffam's daily routine starting with an early morning gym session at Hamptworth followed by the start of his working day at 8.30am, a late lunch and a return to the golf club at 4pm for four hours or so of practice.

To round off the day, it's back to the gym to work on a golf-specific exercise programme devised for Huffam by Romsey chiropractor Neil Salter.

If winnings were based on dedication, it would be chocks away on the Lear jet but, as it is, Huffam would love to hear from any individuals or businesses interested in sponsoring him so he can concentrate on what he does best - golf.

In return for sponsorship, James can offer golf days/clinics, advertising on his website or even a percentage of winnings. To find out more, call him on 07900 930315 or visit