POLICE have issued an e-fit of a teenage girl they suspect of snatching a bag from a pensioner in Eastleigh town centre.

An 84-year-old woman was shopping in the Tesco store at 5pm on Saturday when she was distracted by two teenagers.

She momentarily left her trolley to assist one of the girls and when she returned, her bag was gone.

Thought to be sisters or even twins, the two girls are described as in their late teens, of slim build and about 5ft 3in.

One of them had a distinctive squint/cast/white blotch in her right eye, the other a discoloured tooth which was decayed or damaged on the right side of the top set of teeth.

Both were shabby in appearance with dirty hair. Both were wearing black short jackets and trousers, one with a beige large cowl jumper under her jacket.

Police are keen to talk to anyone who saw these two girls in Eastleigh that afternoon, but especially anyone shopping in Tesco at that time.

Anyone with information should phone Eastleigh police station on 0845 045 4545 or the anonymous Crimestoppers line 0800 555 111.