WHEN one of the biggest dance spectaculars in Southampton opens next month all eyes will not only be on the 120-strong cast but also on the 32ft wide backdrops made by students.

The Power of Dance is a high-energy dance performance by 120 Jade Millington dancers at the city's Mayflower theatre next month which includes visuals, pyrotechnics and special effects and specially-designed props and backdrops by students at Southampton City College.

The Year 1 technical theatre students have spent the last four months designing the visual backdrops for the different dances, including a 16ft loveheart which will be used for the Moulin Rouge and Bombay Dreams inspired dances and a 32ft by 18ft Chicago skyline.

Paul Lewis, course leader at Southampton City College, said: "The students have watched the films and come up with the designs themselves and some of our backdrops will cover the whole of the Mayflower stage. It is fantastic to be involved in a show like this."

The Power of Dance is at the Mayflower on Friday, June 30.