A LENGTHY day lies in wait for city councillors on Wednesday, with a special meeting earmarked for the evening.

Cabinet members are already scheduled to meet earlier in the day, and planning is likely to dominate both events.

Winchester City Council is finalising its Local Plan, which sets out where development can occur in the district. The most controversial part relates to "local reserve sites" for new housing.

The four plots identified are Pitt Manor, Winchester; Spring Gardens, in Alresford; Little Frenchies Field, in Denmead, and land between Francis Gardens and Worthy Road in Winchester. Of the 289 objections to the plan, 220 related to these sites being developed.

Liberal Democrat members voted to identify the sites earlier this year, fending off Conservative and Labour opposition.

Following the local elections on May 4, the Tories took charge of the council, and will be looking at the local plan once more.

Cabinet members are also due to discuss proposals to build a primary school behind the Meadowside Centre, in Whiteley.

Hampshire County Council is driving the project, which leaves the city council with the job of consulting residents about the scheme.