NEW leader of Winchester City Council, George Beckett, says he and his fellow Tories hope to run the authority in a "businesslike fashion" and "give everyone a fair say".

He chaired the first meeting of the cabinet since the elections, the main business being the allocation of portfolios.

As cabinet member for the local economy, Mr Beckett will take responsibility for major projects such as the Strategic Partnership.

George Hollingbery, deputy leader, is responsible for performance and communications while Patricia Stallard takes on culture, heritage and sport and Frank Pearson covers environment and health and safety.

Frederick Allgood's brief is finance and resources while Anthony Coates is responsible for housing and communities and Barry Lipscomb is taking on planning and transport.

Lib-Dem, Kelsie Learney, who was formerly responsible for finance and resources, takes the chair of the principal scrutiny committee.

Fiona Mather is the new chairman of the licensing and regulation committee; Ernie Jeffs heads up the planning and development control committee and Stephen Godfrey is chairman of the personnel committee.

Last year's mayor, Neil Baxter, is now the chairman of the appeals and disputes committee and Jean Hammerton will be in charge of housing appeal meetings.

After the elections two weeks ago, the Conservatives hold 29 seats and the Liberal Democrats have 21. Labour has three seats and the Independents four.

The Tories have pledged to concentrate on keeping council tax at the level of inflation, make planning more "in tune" with the concerns of residents, to improve the running of the council and to recognise that council taxpayers deserve more for their money.