The statue of Saints legend Ted Bates will be positioned outside the main entrance to St Mary's.

The middle flagpole of the three currently on the concourse at the stadium will either be repositioned or taken down completely to make way for the £90,000 statue.

Ted Bates Trust officials and sculptor Ian Brennan met Saints stadium operations manager Chris Eglestaff this week to discuss the statue, which will be lit up in the evenings.

"At the moment it's all systems go," said acting Ted Bates Trust chairman Dave Ford.

"We're all working towards an unveiling date of the end of November, but that could change.

"We're hopeful the concrete will go in for the foundations around the end of August or start of September.

"Chris Egglestaff has been really helpful, and Liz Coley and Ros Wheeler have also been superb."

Saints fans have raised £45,000 for the statue to honour Bates, left, who gave the club 66 years unbroken service in a variety of roles before passing away in November 2003.

Once the supporters reached their total, chairman Rupert Lowe donated the same amount he had pledged at the start of the fund-raising 18 months ago.