A MAN was stabbed at a two-day music festival near Winchester.

The 22-year-old from London was at first thought to have been seriously injured in the stomach after a quarrel over a ticket at the Hi Fi event.

He was taken to the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester but after receiving stitches later returned to the event early on Sunday.

A local man and woman were arrested and later cautioned after the victim declined to press charges.

It is believed to have been the first stabbing in nine events at Matterley Bowl dating back to Creamfields in 1998.

This year only five people were arrested for possessing drugs with intent to supply compared to 21 at the equivalent Homelands festival in 2005.

For the first time the police stepped back and let the organisers' own security handle the battle to stop drugs getting into the event. No police sniffer dogs were used.

The number of people found with drugs dropped from 57 in 2005 to just nine.

Sgt Neil Jenkins, the police's planning officer for the two-night event, said: "It went fine. The numbers of drug dealers is down. That could be because the organisers were not as thorough as us, or it could be there were less drugs going in."

He said a debrief would be held with the organisers at which the drugs issue would be discussed.

Some 25 people were ejected compared to 36 in 2005.

Eight drivers were arrested for suspected drugs or drink driving.

No exact attendance figure has been released, although it is believed there were significantly fewer people than the 40,000 estimated to attend.

The number of tickets sold will be disclosed to the city council later in the year.