A group of cooped-up coppers found themselves on the other side of the emergency services while attending an incident in Thornhill, Southampton, in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The team of police officers had been called to Hightown Towers to back up police already attending a domestic dispute. But seven of the officers found themselves having to dial 999 after becoming stuck in a lift on the way to the 13th floor of the tower block.

A spokesman for the police said: "We were already at the scene of a domestic incident when further officers were called - unfortunately seven of them got stuck in a lift.

"A couple of phone calls later and a fast response from our emergency service colleagues at Hampshire Fire and Rescue meant our officers were quickly released.

"We are very grateful to the firefighters for their assistance and believe me, so were the officers concerned."

The officers were freed by crews from Hightown fire station at about 1.30am on Wednesday morning.

One man was arrested in connection with the domestic dispute.