WHILE his son has the weight of the free world on his shoulders, former US President George Bush Sr enjoyed a spot of fly-fishing on The Test

Last week, the 41st President, and father of the current US leader, was a guest at the exclusive four-star Lainston House Hotel, Sparsholt.

He spent several rainy days fishing the River Test, near Stockbridge.

Mr Bush was said to have caught an 8lb trout and been flanked continuously by Secret Service agents during his week-long stay.

During previous stays he has visited local businesses, including Robjents fishing equipment shop in Stockbridge and The Peat Spade pub in Longstock.

But the ex-president has the majority his meals at the hotel restaurant.

"He enjoys the food," said hotel manager Julian Tomlin.

"It's a pleasure to have him here, he is really very charming and a complete gentleman. Some of the guests can't quite believe it when they see him but some have now met him a few times and are now quite friendly.

"We would like to think he will return."