THE non-stop washout has brought mixed fortunes for businesses and tourist attractions across Hampshire.

Waterproof jackets and trousers have been flying off the shelves at outdoor gear shop Oswald Bailey in Shirley High Street.

Manager Derek Evans said: "Our sales have gone up quite a lot, I have been busy for the last three days. They have at least doubled.

"We are hoping the wet weather will continue it is always good for business!

"We have sold out of children's waterproof jackets. One teacher came in and bought 19 today for a school trip."

However, as the rain pours, the last thing people feeling like doing is eating a soggy cornet on the beach.

Lawrie Jenman, managing director of New Forest Ice Cream, said: "It is the worst start to the summer for a long time. It has certainly slowed things up on the beach side.

"A lot of the sites haven't bothered to open because they can't pay the staff if the customers aren't there.

"Normally at this time of year they would be fairly busy with early season holidaymakers, however the shops are doing fairly well.

"Hopefully we will get some sunshine and catch up. Usually it evens itself out over the year."

At Exbury Gardens in the New Forest feelings are mixed.

Nigel Philpott, commercial and marketing manager at the gardens, said: "As the marketing manager, I am disappointed at the weather but our head gardener is quite delighted about the high degree of rain. We would love it to rain at night and be nice during the day for the visitors.

" The worst scenario that can happen at Exbury is there to be a really severe frost early in May. The second worst is very heavy rain and high winds which is what we have had. Visitor numbers have been down for the first three weeks of May compared to last year but as it was such a late spring there is still a lot of colour. It hasn't washed out the blooms. We are still hoping to have a good end to the month and flowers into June."

Mr Philpott added that sales of waterproof jackets, umbrellas and hats have all boomed.