ANGRY Alresford residents have attacked plans for dozens of new homes in their town.

Barratt Homes' plans for 34 homes in gardens behind Grange Road has raised concerns over traffic and over-development.

More than 100 people attended a meeting to see the plans.

Julian Jones, for the developers, said that one third of the homes would be affordable.

Tony Bougard, of Grange Road, said that the development was "crazy" since he had heard that Alresford needed 200 new homes over the next ten years. Pointing out that there were already about 100 new homes going up in the town this year, he said: "We are half that target within 12 months. Why isn't the scheme put back five years?"

James Evason, also of Grange Road, said that there had been grave concerns over traffic flowing from the development to Jacklyns Lane and Bridge Road.

Other residents were concerned that their privacy would be ruined. Sarah Wilson, whose home is next to the site, said: "We bought the house for privacy, for quiet and the idea of not being overlooked."

Mr Jones said that a traffic expert had been commissioned by Barratt to examine all aspects of traffic flow and that the town council would be welcome to look at the brief.

Residents were invited to look at the plans, which will be available at the town council offices over the next two weeks, and to give the council written comments, which will then be forwarded to Barratt.