MODEL aircraft enthusiasts must wait months to find out if they will have their wings clipped.

Villagers have called for a ban on model planes at Hook Recreation Ground because of noise, damage to property and concerns about the safety of park users.

Some members of Fareham Borough Council are pushing for a complete flying ban but no decision has yet been reached.

Villager Peter Lowater said model planes have crashed into his greenhouses twice in the past year, shattering glass and causing £117 damage.

Another resident, Nick Carter, has gathered a petition of 180 angry villagers calling for a ban.

Mr Carter said planes left shards of glass in the ground, distressed animals in neighbouring fields and posed a threat to children playing in the park.

A by-law would limit the flying to Wednesday and Saturday afternoons and prevent them being flown over nearby houses.

Councillor Marian Ellerton said: "The plane flyers are inhibiting the other activities that take place at the recreation ground.

"You can hear the noise of these planes from a long way away.

"Hook is a totally unsuitable place for this club to hold its activities. It's horrendous."

Model plane flyer Ashley Davis said the noise from aircraft was no more than a toilet flushing and crashes were rare.

Enthusiasts moved to Hook after being made homeless because of the redevelopment of Lee-on-the-Solent's HMS Daedalus site.

Tony Cox, chairman of Gosport Model Flyers Club, has said previously: "Model aeroplane flying is a recognised sport and yet there are no sites for this activity anywhere in Fareham or Gosport. If we were footballers they would be quick enough to supply a ground."

Councillors will meet again in September to discuss a possible by-law.