PLANS to treble the size of a New Forest nursing home have been rejected by just one vote.

Proposals to redevelop the Woodside Lodge facility in Burley Road, Bransgore, were narrowly defeated at a meeting of the New Forest National Park Authority (NPA).

Several members spoke in favour of the scheme, saying it would help meet the needs of the Forest's ageing population.

However, the application was opposed by Lee Dunsdon, who claimed that the Forest was the biggest "importer" of old people in Hampshire.

Jerry Davies, the applicant's agent, said the scheme would provide pensioners with better facilities than the existing accommodation, which he described as out-dated.

He added that the site was well screened and said the new building's impact on its surroundings would be minimal.

However, NPA planning officer Tony Huggett said the applicant was proposing to replace the existing home with a building that was three times bigger.

He added: "Because of its size it would bring development on the site much closer to each of the boundaries.

"The applicants say they're not looking to increase the number of units beyond the 60 already approved, but the more self-contained nature of much of the new accommodation means there would be a higher level of activity.

"This increased use would be discernible to people living around the site, who would be unreasonably disturbed."

Members rejected the scheme by four votes to three.