A TELEVISION news report inspired a Southampton couple to sign up for a gruelling charity challenge where they will trek alongside Maasai warriors.

Sarah Thirkill and Nick Paul, both 31, are training hard for the six-day, 100km trek in the African wilderness to raise money to fight poverty in East Africa.

They will make their way through the dusty grasslands and volcanic hills of the Rift Valley in Kenya and Tanzania later this year.

The couple will risk the dangers of dehydration and exhaustion in temperatures exceeding 104 Fahrenheit to raise funds for ActionAid.

Sarah, a tax advisor, of Canute Road, told the Daily Echo: "We were watching the news on TV last year and saw that the current East African food crisis is deepening, brought about by the worst drought since 2000.

"The images we saw brought it home to us how lucky we are in the UK and we felt we wanted to help to try and do our bit to improve the situation.

"We decided to contact ActionAid because they are the UK's leading international development organisation and they help poor people in over 30 countries."

Boyfriend Nick, a marketing manager, added: "We were attracted to ActionAid because they have a unique vision and direction.

"They don't impose solutions, but work with local communities over many years to strengthen their own efforts to throw off poverty."

The couple have to raise at least £5,400 in sponsorship before they set off in September through car boot sales, raffles, street collections, holding book clubs and other activities.

Sarah and Nick are looking for support from local businesses or anyone who can help them to reach their fundraising target.

For more information, call 07884 377746 or e-mail nmjp2@student.open.ac.uk or you can sponsor them online at: www.justgiving.com/sarahthirkill or www.justgiving.com/nickpaul.